Tuesday, July 7, 2020

5 most beautiful parrots in the world


Parrots are one of the world's favorite pets.

They are colorful, intelligent, and long-lived creatures.
Different parrot species vary  in there  characteristics such as color, weight, and habits.
There are nearly around  400 parrot species around the globe.  Parrots are some interesting birds to explore about they are species of parrots in many colours even in grey colour.
Interesting fact about parrots is that they can eat from the help of there feet amazing right and they can turn there head all the way back .
 Let's look up on the five most beautiful parrots in the world

 Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

    Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is one of the most amazing parrot known for its colour . They are  found in Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia

They are usually  between 17-25 inches tall and have white plumage.
The male and female birds  almost look alike. but they have different colored eyes – the females have reddish-brown eyes and  the male birds have dark brown eyes. 

They  live up to 70 years . This species  make their nests in the hollows of trees. They eat  mainly on seeds, nuts, roots, and berries.

 A highly intelligent bird, they are well known in aviculture, although they can be demanding pets.

Bronze winged parrot

 Bronze winged parrot is  native  to South America. Their plumage is mostly dark purple or blue in coloration, but they do have a bronze patch on their wings, astas discribed by there name.

There colour is a whiteish chin patch and its upper chest is speckled with pink feathers.

 Bronze winged parrot  has short red undertail feathers. The rump, tail and wings are dark blue with lighter blue underwings. The head is dark blue-green; the mantle, back and underparts are dark bronze-green with some blue tipped feathers .. In adults the ring of bare skin around the eyes is pink. 

These parrots are considered to be great pets. With proper training, they can learn how to mimic human voices. The female bird lays three or four eggs with an incubation period that lasts for 36 days.

This parrot species est seeds, insects, and fruits,  pellets, vegetables, someSome Fruits, Grains etc.

Dusky lory

Dusky lory is found in New Guinea and the offshore islands of Batanta, Salawati and Yapen. they can be known as "banded Lories" or "duskies and there  common names are the white-rumped lory or the dusky- orange.

These parrots are just 9.5 inches tall and weigh 9.5-10.5 oz
The male and female birds look alike and they have a bright orange colored upper chest, grey legs, cream colored rump, and a dark orange colored beak. They can also mimic human voices.

There diet consists of fruits, seed, and nectar.


 The Galah parrots  can be found in almost all parts of mainland Australia.
They can be up to 14 inches tall and weigh 270-350 grams.

 There head and tail are little red in color. The male and females look the same but male bird

The galah, also known as the pink and grey cockatoo,
Galah  is one of the most common and widespread cockatoos
The male and female bird look the same but they have different eye colour male bird have dark brown eyes and female bird have pinkish-red eyes

Blue and yellow macaw

Blue and yellow macaw is a large South American parrot is mostly blue top parts and light orange underparts, with gradient hues of green on top of its head.
Their colors and ability to talk make blue and yellow macaws one of the most popular parrots and people loves to play with them

They love to interact with people and learn different tricks.
The blue-and-gold macaw, also known as the blue-and-yellow macaw,. It is a member of the large group of neotropical parrots known as macaws

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