Monday, August 1, 2022

Online writing jobs no experience


Paid Online Writing Jobs - Get Paid To Do Simple Writing Jobs Online

We are at present recruiting new essayists on our foundation for a section-level blog composing position. The compensation begins at $35 each hour, and full preparation is given. You will be working for online business stores, composing short blog entries presenting their new items.



Jobs: The business that recruits you will give you an item picture and a depiction of the item (counting value and so on), and afterward you really want to compose a 500-word blog entry about the impact that the business will then, at that point, post to their blog. This is a presentation-level composing position, just essential English and punctuation abilities are required, and full preparation is given.

Write Short Email Messages ($50 per email)

> Contract length: No proper term

> Rate: $35 each hour

> Abilities/foundation required:

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

5 most beautiful parrots in the world


Parrots are one of the world's favorite pets.

They are colorful, intelligent, and long-lived creatures.
Different parrot species vary  in there  characteristics such as color, weight, and habits.
There are nearly around  400 parrot species around the globe.  Parrots are some interesting birds to explore about they are species of parrots in many colours even in grey colour.
Interesting fact about parrots is that they can eat from the help of there feet amazing right and they can turn there head all the way back .
 Let's look up on the five most beautiful parrots in the world

 Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

    Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is one of the most amazing parrot known for its colour . They are  found in Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia

They are usually  between 17-25 inches tall and have white plumage.
The male and female birds  almost look alike. but they have different colored eyes – the females have reddish-brown eyes and  the male birds have dark brown eyes. 

They  live up to 70 years . This species  make their nests in the hollows of trees. They eat  mainly on seeds, nuts, roots, and berries.

 A highly intelligent bird, they are well known in aviculture, although they can be demanding pets.

Bronze winged parrot

 Bronze winged parrot is  native  to South America. Their plumage is mostly dark purple or blue in coloration, but they do have a bronze patch on their wings, astas discribed by there name.

There colour is a whiteish chin patch and its upper chest is speckled with pink feathers.

 Bronze winged parrot  has short red undertail feathers. The rump, tail and wings are dark blue with lighter blue underwings. The head is dark blue-green; the mantle, back and underparts are dark bronze-green with some blue tipped feathers .. In adults the ring of bare skin around the eyes is pink. 

These parrots are considered to be great pets. With proper training, they can learn how to mimic human voices. The female bird lays three or four eggs with an incubation period that lasts for 36 days.

This parrot species est seeds, insects, and fruits,  pellets, vegetables, someSome Fruits, Grains etc.

Dusky lory

Dusky lory is found in New Guinea and the offshore islands of Batanta, Salawati and Yapen. they can be known as "banded Lories" or "duskies and there  common names are the white-rumped lory or the dusky- orange.

These parrots are just 9.5 inches tall and weigh 9.5-10.5 oz
The male and female birds look alike and they have a bright orange colored upper chest, grey legs, cream colored rump, and a dark orange colored beak. They can also mimic human voices.

There diet consists of fruits, seed, and nectar.


 The Galah parrots  can be found in almost all parts of mainland Australia.
They can be up to 14 inches tall and weigh 270-350 grams.

 There head and tail are little red in color. The male and females look the same but male bird

The galah, also known as the pink and grey cockatoo,
Galah  is one of the most common and widespread cockatoos
The male and female bird look the same but they have different eye colour male bird have dark brown eyes and female bird have pinkish-red eyes

Blue and yellow macaw

Blue and yellow macaw is a large South American parrot is mostly blue top parts and light orange underparts, with gradient hues of green on top of its head.
Their colors and ability to talk make blue and yellow macaws one of the most popular parrots and people loves to play with them

They love to interact with people and learn different tricks.
The blue-and-gold macaw, also known as the blue-and-yellow macaw,. It is a member of the large group of neotropical parrots known as macaws

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Weird animal digestion tricks

Weird Digestion tricks

As humans  we know how we digest food but do you know how hen, rabbit and cat help there body in digestion given below are weird but true facts about some digestion tricks of few animals let's explore it.


  Grit is mixture of small pebbles or crushed stones that hens eat in order to help them digest their food. Hens also eat small stones and  littlebit of soil which helps in digestion.

 As hens don't have teeth they eat this grit for digestion. As they don't have teeth and are not able to chew their food to aid digestion.  Instead, they pass the food into an organ called the gizzard where it is ground up.  


Rabbits are herbivores, eating mostly grass, carrots and weeds. But this diet isn’t the easiest to digest, and by the time their intake  has make it through their intestines it still contains many of the nutrients the bunnies need.

Rabbits and hares have this special kind of digestion called hindgut fermentation. In short, they eat their own poop and digest it a second time. Bunnies actually make two different kinds of droppings: little black round ones and softer black ones known as cecotropes that are eaten. This process is known as coprophagy, ...

Cow has four stomachs and undergoes a special digestive process to break down the tough food it eats. Cow eats hay, silage and grass. The cow first eats, it chews the food just enough to swallow it. ... The cud then goes to the third and fourth stomachs, the omasum and abomasum, where it is fully digested.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Unknown facts about cats.


As we all know cats are known as fascinating, attractive and adorable pet animal. 41 percent of people in the world loves cats.

Here are 25 fascinating facts about cats

1. Cats actually have dreams, just like us. They start dreaming when they reach a week old.

2.  A cat can reach up to five times its own height per jump.

3. Cats CAN be lefties and righties, just like us. More than forty percent of them are, leaving some ambidextrous.

4. It has been said that the Ukrainian Levkoy has the appearance of a dog, due to the angles of its face.

5. If your cat's eyes are closed, it's not necessarily because it's tired. A sign of closed eyes means your cat is happy or pleased.

6. Some cats can survive falls from as high up as 65 feet or more.

7. Outdoor cats' lifespan averages at about 3 to 5 years; indoor cats have lives that last 16 years or more.

8. A group of kittens is called a "kindle", and "clowder" is a term that refers to a group of adult cats.

9. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), about 50 million of our cats are overweight.

10. Genetically, cats' brains are more similar to that of a human than a dog's brain.

11. Landing on all fours is something typical to cats thanks to the help of their eyes and special balance organs in their inner ear. These tools help them straighten themselves in the air and land upright on the ground

12. Most cats don't have eyelashes

13. Maine Coons are the most massive breed of house cats. They can weigh up to around 24 pounds.

14. As temperatures rise, so do the number of cats. Cats are known to breed in warm weather, which leads many animal advocates worried about the plight of cats under Global Warming

15. A cat can reach up to five times its own height per jump.

16. In terms of development, the first year of a cat’s life is equal to the first 15 years of a      human life. After its second year, a cat is 25 in human years. And after that, each year of a cat’s life is equal to about 7 human years.

17. Most cats have no eyelashes

18. Cats can rotate their ears 180 degrees

19. A cat cannot see directly under its nose

20. Meows are not innate cat language—they developed them to communicate with humans!

21. Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four on the back ones. It’s not uncommon, though, for cats to have extra toes. The cat with the most toes known had 32—eight on each paw!

22. The hearing of the average cat is at least five times keener than that of a human adult.

23. In the largest cat breed, the average male weighs approximately 20 pounds.

24. Some believe that if you dream about a white cat, good luck will follow

25. Domestic cats spend about 70 percent of the day sleeping. And 15 percent of the day grooming.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Pet Lovers


A Pet is not just an animal they are best friends for there owners.

  They make life full of joy, happiness, playfulness, etc. In fact they are kept for the pleasure and entertainment that a pet gives to its owner. Pet animals are loved throughout the world for there adorable face, furry and soft appearance.

Lets put light on the history of pets:

The history of pets is entwined with the process of animal domestication, and it is probably that the first animal domesticated were Sheep and goats were first domesticated around 11,000 years ago.                                                                                      

while cats became pets around 7000 B.C.,  there was more possibility of goat and sheep as they are helpful for farm use in those days.

There is indirect evidence that the dog may have been domesticated and kept as a pet since Paleolithic times, as can be detected  from the paintings and carvings that archaeologists have found in ancient campsites and tombs.

Most Popular pets are  considered to have attractive appearances, intelligence and relatable personalities, cuteness but some pets are taken in on authentic bases such as there characteristics.


It is been proved that owning a pet is beneficial to owners' health, having a pet seems to have good benefits to humans. Pets come with some powerful mental health benefits.


A Pet makes you feel happy and also improves your heart health.
A Pet sends out all kinds of happy impressions which is good for your mind and also your heart. A happy person does not experience stress and also risks of heart diseases your heart rate is sure to stay normal which maintains a stable blood pressure


Having a dog or any active animal requires you to take them for a jog or a walk which not only maintains the health of your pet, in the meanwhile it also helps you to burn a few calories and do not forget having a pet also put you under some responsibilities like clean the place on a daily bases this work also makes you maintain good hygiene of your pet and also your house. Having pets teaches you some new good habits.


Animals are loving and selfless in nature. The more you stay with them the more you begin to admire them and tend to become affectionate like them. You begin to develop qualities like being calm and cool during panic situations, learn tolerance, and anger management. Which helps you in developing a stable personality.

Spending time with pets is known to reduce stress and depression. A dog-loving nature instantly perks up a dull mood while cat purring has scientifically been proven good for your respiratory system. It reduces DYSPNEA, a disease that causes difficulty in breathing.


Childers who are been companied with  pets or animals since a young age will tend to  have less chance to be affected with allergies their body’s immunity strengthens as a result of spending time with animals compare to those individuals who don’t own pets

Mind-blowing facts about pets

  • Cats do not have sweat glands.  
  •  A cat can jump as much as seven times its height. 
  • Cats have five toes on each front paw, but only four toes on each back paw.
  • Contrary to popular belief, dogs aren’t color blind; they can see shades of blue, yellow, green, and gray. The color red registers on a grayscale in a dog’s vision.
  • Most domestic dogs are capable of reaching speeds up to about nineteen miles per hour when running at full speed.
  •  Dogs and Cats Both Slurp Water the Same Way
  •  Your Dog Does Have a Sense of time and misses you while you are not at home.
  • Your Dog's Whiskers Help Him “See” in The Dark.
  •  Dogs Only Have Sweat Glands in Their Paw.

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